Gentlemen the term, "cheap suit," should never refer to a price tag but always to the durability of materials and quality of the stitch. A suit will always be the easiest, and most versatile item you have. Take this spiffy number in light gray. Its %100 cotton and thinly woven. The suit is light in weight and color, ideal for the spring and summer. It is wrinkle free and stiff enough to keep a handsome crease. Also did I mention it only set me back $90 on sale from H&M?
My style is preppy and all about paying homage to tradition and timeless staples. However that does not mean you can't break free of the shirt and tie routine and still maintain a classic look. Paired with a custom fit polo by Ralph Lauren and a Jack Purcel Converse of the same color, gives me the chance to be ready for causal connection. Whether you're meeting friends for drinks, wanting to impress on a first date, or out for stroll through the city, your appearance will have the ease and confidence you need.
Don't forget that nothing says gentleman like well placed accessories. Honestly this is where most of you money should be invested in your wardrobe. A fine piece has the potential to state the tone of your outfit. For example when recreating this look you must be aware of the danger sneakers with a suit may having in making you look a few years late for middle school. The watch shown here by Invicta with the navy leather grain band corresponds with the navy leather belt by Coach. Along with the nicely placed orange silk pocket square and corsage, make the statement that my sneakers are just as purposeful as everything else I'm wearing. Oh and a good looking companion, like my dog B'dubs, doesn't hurt the look either.

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