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Attitude and Personality - Written By: @THIS.IS.MALICE


I have always been a fashion and arts's lover, but I never had the chance to get the knowledge from school or courses. I have always done it in my way, thinking out of the square, picking up inspiration from just few icons of menswear.

I can't define my style because it is something very unusual. As a real Italian, I am a fan of the shirt and tie, but I try to mix this combination with my personality and character, which is very loud. I try to make every single outfit something not seen before. I do believe that style is just the reflection of your personality in clothes.

So what I suggest is just to be confident with what you wearing, because everyone is unique in their own way. Pics by @marroniphoto Marco Marroni

Check out his Instagram (@THIS.IS.MALICE) for more awesome posts and CLICK HERE for his website.

@THIS.IS.MALICE wrote this post exclusively for:

IG: @DapperProfessional

Twitter: @DapperProfesh

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