Floral is becoming more acceptable and popular even in business environments and I am definitely a fan. It's certainly not for everyone, but if you're considering it, then you might as well give it a go! Wearing floral on a Friday can be a 'conservative' approach since Friday's are generally more casual anyways.
This shirt is a custom shirt from Tailor4Less. I've known about the company for about a year, but this is my first product and it is on point. The fit is great and the ordering process is really smooth. It even has my initials and I couldn't resist the pin collar.
I had a tough time choosing a tie to pair with this shirt. My original thought was to tone it down and instead I just went all out with this mint color, linen tie from Bow-N-Ties.
The Roka Stonewear bracelet, the Grant Stone shoes, Heart and Square pocket square and Unsimply Stitched socks are all the details that help pull this outfit together.
The double breast Indochino blazer was necessary for this combination.

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